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Vacation on Taman Sari (Having fun with Best Friends)

Front Area at Taman Sari
Tourist attractions in Jogja very familiar next is Taman sari. Tamansari Yogyakarta is a tourist spot that has a long history of national struggle Indonsia. In the area of Yogyakarta, there are several historical places that is now a tourist attraction. Visiting historical sights besides indeed for recreation can add to our knowledge. Taman Sari is located in the south of Yogyakarta Palace is a cultural heritage which is still maintained.

Center Area
Not only local tourists interested to visit the building that was once used for bathing these kings, foreign travelers are also frequently seen. Judging from penamaanya Castle consists of two words, namely parks and sari which means beautiful. So Castle is a beautiful park located behind the palace.

To enter it, you can back-channel. Upon entering the gate usually the visitors will be offered to use the services of a guide who is ready to tell the details or history of the Castle. Castle built in the era of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I and completed in the reign of Sultan Hameng Kubuwana II.
Hall building Taman Sari

Arseitek Castle is a Portuguese building would not be surprised architectural thick with a European feel. Nevertheless retaining the symbolic meaning of Java. Castle complex consists of a large pool, water canals, swimming baths and special spaces. According to the story Tamansari is bathing place for the reigning monarch and his family.
Together have fun

There was also building wells gemuling used as a mosque for worship. In the vicinity of the Castle there is a hallway, the hallway supposedly a link between the court and Parangkusumo. The hallway is used to conduct meetings between the Palace and the Queen of the South Coast is known Nyi Roro Kidul. But now the hall has been closed for some reason.

Tamansari is a building that has multifunctional. Besides being used for resting Tamansari also used for fortifications. The wall surrounding the Castle despite old age but still solid. In 2006 when there was a great earthquake, the castle still standing strong.
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