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Mountain climbing Sumbing

Mountain sumbing is a volcano that has not erupted. This mountain is high mountain located between the temanggung Java and Central Java Wonosobo, stands proudly alongside Sindoro mountain next to it. Cleft mountain has an altitude of 3,371 meters above sea level. Natural conditions around the foot of the mountain cleft very fertile, so many local people used as a plantation.

Mountain climbing lane Sumbing via Garung a favorite path for hikers because absolute accessible. In addition there are several other climbing route that parakan cepit path, the path bogowongso, Garung village lanes, lane kaliangkrik. To achieve kakai Sumbing get past wonosbo (westbound) or temanggung (eastward). If the rise of private vehicles would be easier just to follow the path to the post mountaineering cleft. If the train ride from Yogyakarta, from Yogyakarta to continue magelang ride public transportation to Wonosobo or directly towards the mountain Sumbing.

If we look at the mountain Sumbing from a distance, the mountain looks blue green and lush. As well as volcanoes and mountains adjacent merbabu and called twin mountains. Mountain Sumbing also has its own twin namely Sindoro. In addition there is the unique thing that is a path that cut between the mountain sumbing and Sindoro and around him are the paddy fields.

Interesting spot

If you climb to the best attractions, there are a lot of interesting spots and moments that can be found in this beautiful mountain. Here are some of spots and exciting moments that can be enjoyed:
As in most high mountains, sunrise moment must always have a special value, not least in the mountain cleft. The emergence of the sun at daybreak will give beautiful colors in the sky mountain cleft, yet again there is the sea of ​​clouds which adds to the beautiful scenery, the atmosphere it fits really enjoyed with a cup of coffee in the morning.

Cleft mountain is an active volcano stratovolcano, no wonder at its peak there is a beautiful crater that can be visited. There is no clear data when the mountain erupted, but today the mountain cleft seems are a little asleep, so the crater is not too show harmful activity. With konsidi like this, the climbers can visit the sand in this crater, to take pictures or just admire nature keindahn. Chipped crater also has beautiful natural scenery, completely surrounded by rock cliffs are so fascinating.

View mountain Sindoro
Because of its position very close, natural mountain scenery Sindoro clearly visible from the mountain cleft. Sindoro valiant stand up straight across, revealing views of the super luxury during ascent.

Hiking trails cepit
To climb the mountain cleft via the cepit, hikers can stop in front of the hospital ngesti waluyo, then take the road on the right Sumah pain uphill. Here there are no bascamp, the first will run for approximately one hour past the vegetable garden residents. We go through the asphalt road for approximately 1.5 hours ending at an observation post on the building side of the road. The post was very eerie because, according to a population of around inhabited by tigers unseen. Take the road to the right then later we will see the river on the left of the track.

Then hiked about two hours of entering the forest, then will get to the meadow. After that it will meet with rock and stone mace mattress. There are streams in the post 3 watering only in the rainy season.
Thanks for reading Mountain climbing Sumbing

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