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Prambanan Temple Interesting Historical Sights

Java island is administratively divided into four provinces of West Java, Central Java, East Java, and Banten as well as two specific areas, namely Jakarta and in Yogyakarta. Many historical relics scattered across the island, namely punden, menhirs, a round table and temples. As discussed in the previous pages regarding the Borobudur temple and Ratu Bokotemple. In addition to the temple, we will discuss about the biggest Hindu temple in Indonesia which is the best adventure travel was built in the 9th century AD, namely Prambanan Temple or Temple Rara Jonggrang. This temple was designated as a world heritage site by UNESCO.
candi prambanan-best adventure travel

Best adventure travel is located in Prambanan village, about 20 km from Yogyakarta. Prambanan Temple as well as one of the most beautiful temples in Southeast Asia. At the main gate of the temple we can see a statue of Siwaa Mahadewa three meters high. This shows that in the Siwa temple complex is preferred and kompluks main building of this temple is known as Siwa who have reached a height of 47 meters. The best adventure travel colossal Ramayana ballet routinely held against the background of Prambanan temple looks magnificent highlighted the colorful lights.
prambanan-best adventure travel
prambanan temple

This temple is devoted to Siwa that the teachings of Hindu gods known as Destroyer. According to the inscription siwaghra currently stored in Indonesia's national museum, the original name of this temple complex is siwaghra derived from the Sanskrit word, which means house of Siwa. Prambanan temple complex is also said to have a thousand temples because of the folklore Jonggrang, but actually there are only about 240 temples in complexes of this tourist spot. The best adventure travel is facing east, but there are four entrances at each cardinal. The main gate of the temple is located in the east.
candi prambanan tempat wisata
courtyard of the temple

No different with Borobudur temple, in the best adventure travel  also include the relief of storytelling, how to read the relief in this temple visitors must enter from the east side and then walk around the temple trine direction of rounds clockwise. At this fence relief has two stories of Ramayana and Krishnaya. Best adventure travel  has become one of the best locations in Indonesia vacation spot for lovers of photography. Visitors who want to take a picture could be from different angles this temple that stood firm. In addition to the night, the best adventure travel  is more beautiful with the lights are lit and leads right towards Trimurti temple. The third temple deity is seen standing majestically with golden light. This is an amazing moment in the evening while in the area near prambanan. This area can be used as the top vacations in the world cool at once historic course.
top vacations in the world prambanan
trimurti temple

All around the temple is well presented spacious courtyard with lots of green plants. In addition the complex the best adventure travel there are stalls selling various souvenirs typical of Prambanan such as t-shirts, key chains, bracelets, necklaces up to miniature temple. The visitors who want to enjoy the natural beauty and historic buildings can come in the morning at 6:00 to 17:00 at the cost of the entrance fee of 30,000 rupiah for adults and 12,500 for children. These attractions are the historic sites in the area of Yogyakarta, which is also adjacent to Ratu Boko temple in Wonosari area. Vacation spots in Indonesia are diverse and can be used as a means of refreshing learning for traveling. In addition to historical sites there are mountains in eastern Java that must also be visited is Mount Bromo. rekomended all these attractions for the traveler who likes surfing. Enjoy the natural beauty of Indonesia.
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