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Ratu Boko Temple Indonesia Vacation Spots That Is An Historic

In addition to exploring water attractions such as the Nglambor beach, pink beaches, Sarangan Lake and kawah putih Ciwidey, there are many places suitable for the Indonesian vacation sports to visit when traveling around Indonesia is among the Ratu Boko temple and borobudur temple. In these pages, we review the best adventure travel situated on a hill that Boko palace. This place unique store similar to palaces in other countries.
Indonesian vacation sports candi ratu boko

Boko temple is also famous as the best adventure travel to enjoy Senset, and a row of adventure in Indonesia which is very cool. Location in the hills make this place suitable for enjoying the natural scenery at dusk. In addition we are also witnessing jogja city views. Ratu Boko Palace is a magnificent building that was built during the reign of Rakai Panagkaran, one of the descendants of the Sailendra dynasty. The palace was originally named Abhayagiri Vihara means monastery peaceful hill stands for a place of worship and focus on the spiritual life. When in this best adventure travel, we can feel peace and see the sights of Prambanan the background of Mount Merapi.

The temple is located at 196 meters above sea level, is located in the village Sambirejo and Bokoharjo village, Prambanan subdistrict, Sleman, Yogyakarta. With an area of 250,000 m2 palace is divided into four parts, namely the central, east, west and southeast. At the center on the best adventure travel consists of the main gate of the building, grounds, incinerators, ponds, stone berumpak and paseban. To the southeast there is a hall, halls, 3 temples, ponds and keputren complex. The eastern part there is a complex of caves, Buddhist stupa and pool, while the western part consists of hills.

best adventure travel ratu boko

Traveled to a historic moment traveling around Indonesia is cheap enough, because the price of admission for each person amounted to 25,000 rupiah (adult) and children 10,000 rupiah. After the purchase of a ticket booth there was already served cool landscape with lush gardens and green pages, and there are some beautiful deer on the right side of the road. then get to the palace Gapuro totaling two.

About 45 meters from the second gate, visitors will see the building of the temple which is made of white stones called Batu Putih temple and not far from the place earlier, there is a burning temple. This temple used for cremation. Besides the two temples, there are sacred terrace and a pool located on the east side of the temple burning. Then travel further towards paseban comprising 2 shelf. Then, the pavilion queen boko with a height of 3.45 meters. Feet and the roof surrounded by hard rock, while the body is derived from the white stone walls.

traveling around Indonesia kolam ratu boko

Once out of the pavilion, will head baths for the royal family is keputren. The bathing pool is still contained water inside it, but when the traveler to visit there, the water should not be used or for water play. Then  the next best adventure travel is the cave palace of the queen boko. Goa is divided into two, namely cave wadon (female) and cave lanang (man). Goa is a place of last adventure.

As heritage buildings, the best adventure travel is unique in that characteristics as a place to stay, because the building in the form of pillars and roof are made of wood. The best adventure travel is also provided much gazebo that can be used to rest with the natural beauty. Parks visible green and neatly make the atmosphere in this temple became cool. Besides the mosque and toilet facilities as well as food stalls were neat and clean to make the  best adventure travel that must be visited when traveling around indonesia.

Thanks for reading Ratu Boko Temple Indonesia Vacation Spots That Is An Historic

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