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Adventure to Mount Semeru

An adventure into the mountains like Bromo and Mount Andong is a fascinating experience. As is the case in Mount Semeru, this mountain is the highest volcano in eastern Java and is the second highest mountain se Java precisely in Lumajang. Mount Semeru has a height of 3,676 meters above sea level, or commonly called the Mahameru. This attraction has such forests in the mountainous peaks trikora Jawawijaya namely: hill dipterocarp forest, upper dipterocarp forest, montane forest, ericaceous forest or mountain forest.

Best adventure travel  in East Java is in addition has the beauty of natural scenery and mountain keberadaannyaternyata legend semeru have archaeological heritage in the form of statues and inscriptions Kumbolo. Kumbolo inscription is an inscription Kumbolo is expected inscription relics of the kingdom of Kediri, while Arcopodo is a relic of the era of Majapahit. Visited attraction in best adventure travel  climbers should keep each waffle, deeds and preservation of nature. Because nature has its own way of responding to every human action.

In a mountain climbing trip in this semeru takes about four days to commute. Climbing trip at the start of leg semeru, previous visitors or hikers will apply a fee of 20,000 rupiah for climbers bring tents and 5,000 rupiah climbers bring a camera. At this post hikers can look for guides who came from local residents that will help us to show the direction or route, bringing goods to help cook or commonly called the porter. Pos attractions also include lake Ranu pani best adventure travel  form and lake Ranu Regulo right at an altitude of 2,200 meters.

Having come to the welcome gate will be no alternative path for visitors or hikers that normal channels and shortcut way was very steep and steep. Portico stepped toward the next lane, the best adventure travel  presents a very beautiful scenery with flower beds edelwais, besides lots of pine and fir trees that make the air fresh and cool. typically the climbers would stop to just take pictures among the trees and flowers edelwais.

The trip finished the climb will go to Ranu Kumbolo, where there will be a post lodging for hikers or climbers can also set up their own tent. Ranu Kumbolo contained in the lake water is very clear. If you want to enjoy the charming scenery hikers can enjoy in the morning while watching the sunrise on the sidelines of the hill.

The mountain is included in the area of Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park. The national park is made up of mountains and valleys with an area of 50273.3 hectares. The extent of this area makes the best adventure travel  is still the best looks natural, because here hikers can find a variety of flora and fauna including acacia fir, pine, kind jamuju, kirinyuh, reeds, orchid endemic and edelwais. Whilst existing fauna, among others: panthers, ebony, mongoose, deer, hare, grouse and many more.

Arriving at the highest peak Mahameru peak, the highest peak on the island of Java. Treats natural beauty is amazing with the sea of clouds that stretched wide as if without limit, the breeze and the roar of the eruption that blends into the natural music is so beautiful. Coupled with proper stretching sky above the clouds, the sun shining with a thorough make Mahameru really the highest peak and fascinating. The beauty of the mountains are beautiful and cool sustainable very suitable for making a mountain Mahameru as the world's top holiday.
Thanks for reading Adventure to Mount Semeru

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